Sunday, September 29, 2013

Milestones (birthdays and runs)!

I just hate when time gets the better of me and I am left with content for two weeks worth of a blog.  Alas – I am going to make it pretty short – mostly because I am tired and in desperate need of a nap!

So, last week I went back to the St Louis area because my beautiful grandmother turned 100 years old and the family was getting together to honor the occasion.  Interestingly, it was also my mother’s 70th bday weekend. 

Naturally, the weekend was filled with family.  I arrived on Thursday afternoon so that I could have at least one evening with my Gram, Mom and brother-Michael, without the other 20 members of the family around.  It was a delightful first evening with the three of them. 
Gram and Me -- at the Red Lobster, her favorite.

Friday morning I got up, milled about the house for a few hours and then asked Mom to drop me off at the gym for an easy bike ride.  I admit, I was a bit stressed for my mom, as the entire family was about to descend on her house (at 4:30pm) for a BBQ and it was raining and raining and raining.  The forecast was for rain all day – possibly ending by 2:30pm.  So, dropping me off at the gym gave mom and opportunity to create an alternate plan and gave me a chance to unwind from worry.

After my ride, I walked a mile home from the gym… in the rain.  Things did not look good for the party.  However, the skies managed to hold back after 4pm and everyone enjoyed the outdoors sans rain.

I awakened on Saturday morning and headed out for a lovely 10 mile run.  The temps were in the mid-50’s – so you can only imagine how much I enjoyed every step. 
Sun-shining morning, Fairview Hts Illinois

Shortly after my run, I met up with my good friend, Marcy, for breakfast.  We’ve known each other since 5th grade and she is as beautiful as ever!  Strangely, she and I reconnected in Arizona a few years before she and her family moved back to the St. Louis area.  Its nice that we still get to spend time, even though no longer within driving distance.
Marcy and me -- breakfast

Saturday night was the big birthday soiree for Gram – and I am pretty sure she had a delightful time.  Here are some shots of the family. 
Gram and Mom

My cousin, Laurie, and me

Cousin Dan and Me

I spent Sunday with mom – celebrating her milestone.  And, I even got a little alone time with my brother, that evening. 
Big-brother, Michael

By Monday I was back to the old routine and met Matt for a ride out Pecos and back. 

The trail was relatively kind to us on Tuesday morning – as we headed out the Desert Classic for 5 miles.  The weather is finally cooperating enough that we’re not mortified by our pace, any more. 

Wednesday, I headed out into the foothills for my usual hill route.  I knew my bike chain was overdue for a cleaning, but hoped it might make it until the weekend.  Unfortunately, as I hit the hardest of the hills, the one where I must move down to the smaller ring, my chain wouldn’t budge.  I had to take the hill on the big ring and I suffered all the way to the top.  I am somewhat surprised I didn’t simply allow myself to clip out, but I made it – big ring and all.   (Was so beat up by the ride, I completely forgot to take a post-ride-pic.)

Thinking I might take Thursday off, I actually awakened at 4am, ready to go.  So, I went to the gym for a nice 1500 meter swim.  I did some form work, some speed drills and a nice cool down.  Was super pleased I got up in time to make it happen. 
You got lucky -- I remembered to take a post-swim shot

Friday, I headed out for my 15 mile run about 15 minutes before Matt.  He runs about a minute per mile faster than me, so I thought this would not only give him an additional 15 minutes of sleep, but might make it so that neither of us had to wait for the other to complete the long run – which can be tedious and achy. 

I saw him around mile 8.5 and we both high fived each other, thrilled with how great we were feeling – while knowing we still had several miles in front of us.  I saw Matt again around mile 11, and with the median in the road I just gave him a 2-thumbs-up.  This is when he gave me a 2-thumbs-down, letting me know his left leg was not cooperating.  I was worried about him, but knew that I was strong and could finish, even if it meant I had to come back to get him with the car. 

As I passed him one last time around mile 12.5, I noticed that he was looking pretty strong.  It was then that he gave me 2-thumbs-up – so I knew he was also going to finish , and finish well. 

I hit the 15 mile mark before Matt, so I waited for him to come around the bend.  He was looking good and was just under 15 minutes behind me.  Our estimate was right on – so it was cool that we didn’t have to really wait for one another.  My time 2:27; Matt’s 2:13 – amazing work!  I think we both realized the marathon isn’t simply something in our imaginations any more.

Saturday, I got up for a short ride on my tri-bike, to make sure I was not going to die on it.  10 miles later, I was all smiles.

This morning, my colleague and Ragnar Trail team member – Alex – met me at Pass Mountain for a 7.5 mile run.  Its my favorite, but also one of the toughest trails to master.  I don’t really know anyone on the team that well, just yet, so it was really nice of him to come out and chat with me for 90 minutes as we traversed the beautiful landscape of the Usery Mountains. 

Alex put up with my tired legs.  I felt like I was trying twice as hard as usual to turn them over.  The 15 mile run on Friday made things slower than I was accustomed to.  He was a good sport and didn’t complain about my pace or my occasional need for a hike as we ascended some of the steepest sections.  I was so grateful.

About 2.5 miles into the run, Alex stopped me and said, “Meredith, it’s a tarantula!” And the sucker stood up tall as Alex got closer.  I stayed pretty distant, I’ll admit.  I know, I know…I should have snapped a picture.  Alas.

Around mile 7, we passed another one of our team members, Tara.  She had just started her run and was heading in the opposite direction – she mentioned that she wasn’t all that keen on a 5:45am start time, so she hit the trail a bit later.  Was just awesome to see her out there, though. 
Alex and Pass Mtn in the background

As I made my way to the car after convincing Alex he needed to be in my blog-shot, I got a text from Anne letting me know she was nearly 9.5 miles into her 15 mile run.  I knew I had about an hour to reach her, which was perfect.

As I saw her coming down the road, finishing her run, I became emotional.  She was really doing it.  She was solid and looked great. 
Anne - as she finished her 15

Then a couple hours later, I heard from Hannah – she, too, had completed her 15 miles.   She texted me from an Epsom-salt-filled-bath! 
Hannah on her 15 mile run

Matt, Hannah and Anne – way to go my friends!  I cannot tell you how proud I am to know all of you.  No one ever said Marathon Training was easy – but the rewards are vast!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! And my running heron in the background. I spooked her on the way out and she flew off before I could snap a pic, but i caught her on the way back. She is my good omen every time . Cheers! Hannah
