Monday, January 17, 2011

Lora, Cat and Mer -- BAM, 26.2!

I was married once – married to a man who cared only about himself, or the things he deemed important. And, today, I get a chance to reflect on another completed marathon – something my now ex-husband loathed, as Running took away from my time with him – and that upset him terribly. Yesterday, however, I was surrounded mile after (horribly incredible) mile by those who do support me – and the one thing that is truly important to me. As a result, I finished my 3rd PF Chang’s Rock and Roll Marathon, in Phoenix, Arizona.

The morning began with two of the people dearest to me – Cat and Justin. Justin picked us up at 5:30am to make sure we got to the starting line with ample time to mill-about, walk around, use the porta-potties and stretch. Cat and I were anxious and excited.

By 7am, we had connected with another dear friend – Lora – and her VERY tall brother, John. Lora, Cat and I trained together for 18 weeks –pushing out our long runs together every Sunday morning at 5:30am. On our runs, we told stories, we laughed, we even cried (once). There were weeks the miles came easy and weeks we walked our way to success (at the end). But, we cared so much about each other’s success that it made the Sunday morning runs worthwhile and somewhat delightful. Yesterday morning – there the three of us were, standing among 6000 other runners (there were another 20,000+ doing the ½) and ready to complete the mission we began so many months ago.

As we began the marathon, immediately this run was different; we didn’t chat, tell stories, laugh or cry (yet) – we simply turned our music on and made our way through the streets of Phoenix – side by side, staying on pace. We were together – and that seemed to be all that mattered. Occasionally, someone would yell “Go Meredith – you look great” and Lora would lament about not having her name on her shirt – which made us laugh – but after 9 or 10 miles, I think all three of us claimed the name Meredith – we were simply Team Meredith for the day!

As we rounded mile 13 we could see a BRIGHT pink shirt in the distance – in my heart, I knew it was Carol. Carol is a student and former Student Government officer at Mesa Community College. And there she stood – with water, Gu and support! She looked THRILLED to see us and walked with us for a tenth of a mile before we started off again. She was our first spectator on the route – and BOY did it feel good to reach Carol and the half way point!

At mile 14, we all agreed to take a potty break and then off we went! By now, I could feel my gastroc muscle – so it started to make me nervous, which was mentally debilitating the more I considered how long it took to overcome the injury from last year. But, at mile 14.5, my mood shifted and there were TWO shining stars around the corner – Phill and Autumn. I have known Phill for about 7 years, as we worked together at UAT for 5 of them. His wife has become one of my best friends and I adore every moment I get to spend with them. And, there they were – with water and laughter! The best was when they told the three of us how much better we looked than MANY of those who passed before us! Yes!!! We liked that! So, after another tenth of a mile walk, we trudged on.

As we rounded mile 15, I took a walk break and both Lora and Cat were supportive. I was really beginning to stress about my calf muscle – but Lora encouraged me on and said “we can do this, Mer”! And, off we went. Cat’s knee was hurting her, too – although, she whined far less than I! And, after mile 16, Cat continued to run during one of my walk breaks. We didn’t see her smiling face again until we crossed the finish line! However, I could see her butt for about 2 miles ;) !

Miles 16-19 were uneventful, except to say that Lora and I were BOTH looking forward to seeing more friends and obtaining more GU. And, as we rounded Scottsdale Rd, we could see Felicia and Jon in the distance – standing right where they’d promised. Felicia was shocked that we were willing to walk for a smidge with her – and Jon was fit to be tied about it. But, a tenth later, Jon cracked the whip and we said our goodbyes to Felicia.

The next 7 miles were a blur, except to say that Jon (as funny as he is) really was our inspiration to the end. He ran at our sides, telling us we could make it, we looked great and encouraging our walk-breaks to last no more than about 2 minutes. Then at mile 20 – Sue appeared on her bike, riding next to us for several miles (until a cop told her to get the hell out of the marathon course). We passed mile 21 and approached mile 22, and there was the woman who originally inspired me to run (and run long) – Rachel. She was smiling and excited…but then she was gone as we rounded the corner of mile 22 heading toward the finish line. Lora and I were dragging, but we were running and we kept running. The miles of walking seemed behind us, now.

Then, like a flash of light, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a sign with “Lora and Meredith” on it and two beautiful women jumping up and down SO VERY EXCITED to see us! Sonia and Mary ran with us – not allowing us to stop our rhythm – in their street clothes, with their signs and purses flapping around behind them as we ran. Lora was so thrilled and full of emotion from seeing them – they understood the pain she’d been through for the last 4 hours and came out to support her (and me)! And, they were stunned that we were still together – running and doing it! I got emotional with Lora – as I remembered my first marathon and the emotions of seeing those who really did come out to support ME! And, suddenly, out of nowhere – Mark, Lora’s fantabulous boyfriend, popped out and tagged us, but was just as quick to turn around and head to the finishline!

Jon cracked the whip and made us refocus, as Candice was merely a mile down the road. “We will run to Candice and then you can take a walk break!” Sue road ahead to let Candice know we’d be there shortly – and sure enough, there was Candice in her running gear ready to trudge through some distance with us, as well. AMAZING!!! I am sure she and I chatted, but I have almost no recollection of it because as we crested the hill, passing the mile 24 marker – I saw what appeared to be a sea of my friends – and Marcy flashing photographs as we came over the hill and down. Anne and Marcy – friends I have known for so long it makes me feel old (25 years). We could see beautiful Carlita, Pat Culley (my other-mother through high school) and baby Sean, Zona (who has shared this journey through osmosis, since we share an office – the poor thing), Marcy’s 2 daughters – Brooke and Ally, and Thuy. Little tiny Thuy also had her running gear on, as did Marcy’s daughter, Brooke! And they helped Jon push us through the last couple of miles. Thuy is always so funny – she thought she saw a friend on the route and the woman told her she was out of her mind – which gave us all a good laugh!

As we ALL passed the mile 25 marker, Jon looked at me and said “what’s our time, Mer?” I told him not to worry about it, but he insisted. “We’re not going to make it and I am ok with it.” I told him. “What is our time,” he insisted. “4 hours 50 minutes.” I said with some sadness. “Come on – we can do this, Mer.” But, I shook my head and said, “we’ll be close, but it’s really ok.”

Lora and I crossed the finish line at 5:05 – but there was no sadness. We crossed together, holding hands and smiling. As we crossed, we could see Cat – beautiful Cat who had crossed 11 minutes before us – and she was smiling and excited. Over Cat’s shoulder were her fabulously supportive husband, RayTodd, daughter Alabama, and my good friend, David.

Brooke, Cat, John (Lora’s brother), Thuy, RayTodd, David, Ron R. and Jon were there on the other side of the finishing corral waiting for us! We were DONE! We had made it! Soon we’d be off to enjoy a beer and food at Four Peaks where I would get to see my other supporters – Dennis, Justin, Brian, Sue, Anne, Pat and Sean!

And, as I reflect on what remains one of the most important things in my life – I find myself more grateful for the people I have in my life, today – those who supported me, in the Arizona sun – for hours and hours, hoping to get a glimpse of my accomplishment, knowing that their hard work would likely only mean a moment of time with Lora, Cat and/or me. These are people who understand that support means everything. There are no words for how grateful I am again, today! Thank you to everyone mentioned in this blog – and to my mom who followed my splits via cell phone texts while playing bridge – a major violation of bridge etiquette!

Note: Last year was a year of injury (and no blogging) – may 2011 be different!