Friday, July 15, 2011

11 Miles - BAM!

The valley temperatures took a drastic dip, this week, and the humidity left ever-so-briefly, so I took advantage and moved my typical-Sunday-long-run to Friday – where the forecast was 78 degrees at 5am.

I actually found myself excited about my run, last night, which made it difficult to fall asleep. So, when my alarm went off a few minutes after 4am, I was definitely displeased. But I got up, had my standard glass of iced coffee and headed out before the sun came up.

I was floored! I started out super strong – pulling just under 10 minute miles for the first 6+ miles. The hazard of neighborhood long runs are stoplights – every mile, if not every ½ mile from time to time. Because my pace was good and I was feeling better than ever, I was annoyed with each red light and found myself hoping for no cars so I could simply cross at my leisure.

By mile 7 the sun was up and I was careful to choose the side of the street where I would enjoy the most shade – not to mention I planned a route south for 4 miles and then again north for 4 miles, so there were very few miles east and west, making the sun less of an issue. I did rest at mile 8.5 for 90 seconds (walking/watering), but was really fine until mile 10.3 when I was thinking the run needed to be over. As I crossed Priest to head back over the I10 – a jerk in a white, Ford Taurus thought his right on red would trump my legal crossing. Naturally, I allowed my outside-voice and flailing gestures speak volumes and the guy flipped me off. Fortunately, it gave me the venom to finish strong – pulling just over a 10 minute pace for the last 7/10’s of a mile. I felt great all the way up the overpass and literally skipped/jumped as I approached the last 1/10th of a mile. One guy in a truck honked when he saw my glee!

11 miles completed in 1:57. Again, nowhere near my best time – but I am simply resigned that summer runs will be slower than those in 40 and 50 degree temps! I am feeling a LOT better, this week, about my marathon training. Let’s see what next week holds – keep your fingers crossed for another cooler morning!

As an aside, I got a Facebook message from a student I know from one of our District-Wide leadership retreats shortly after my run. Today when you went running and you were held up by the freeway, the little red car that let you pass that you said thank you to…THAT WAS ME! Lol”. This is a shout-out to Tina – I need a LOT more drivers like her on my runs!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Today marks the end of week 4 of marathon training – in preparation for St. Louis. I am still completely tortured by the horrible heat. I am able to pull through about 45 minutes of running before needing to take water and rest my exhausted body. Unfortunately, I didn’t think I would need much water on my run, this morning – since it was incredibly humid. Boy was I mistaken – I was out of water shortly after I hit mile 6 – which was 2 miles ‘til the end. I thought about cutting my run 6/10’s of a mile short, as a result, but as I hit the 7 mile marker, I was convinced that another 9-10 minutes of running was not going to utterly dehydrate me. Naturally, I made it and was pleased I had pushed through all 8 miles with relative ease.

Next weekend, I have an 11 mile run. Training is going to have to be more focused with lots of water and electrolytes to keep my body in check. I admit to being worried, but even if I need breaks here and there, I know I can do it. I have been there before; I just have to enter the run with a positive mind.

Wish me luck!

PS – this picture was taken as I watched the sun rise on 36th Street/Equestrian in the Ahwatukee Foothills. Its approximately 5.25 miles into my run – I could not believe the clouds, the mountainside and the sun…it was breathtaking. Sadly, you don’t get to see that from this picture – so you’ll have to believe me! After all, I never take out my phone mid-run to pause for a picture!

Monday, July 4, 2011

First HOT long run of the training season...

Saturday night I was already dreading the 9 mile run planned for Sunday morning. I knew a 4am wake-up was inevitable – it was simply going to be a miserably hot 9 miles, as Saturday boasted 118 degrees and a record for July 2nd in Phoenix.

The alarm went off on Sunday morning at 4am and I reluctantly got myself out of bed. The coffee was ready – so I poured a cup over ice and read the news before sticking my head outside to feel what was to be my fate. I had already read that it was 92 degrees in Phoenix, so I knew what was in front of me. So, the day before I had planned two routes – one took me down 48th Street and into Chandler over the I10 and back through a smidge of Tempe to my house; the other, took me 2.5 miles to my gym, with 5 miles on the treadmill and another 1.6 miles home. I am trying hard to acclimate to the heat, but I needed to make sure I was going to be safe in the heat, too. Only my body would tell me.

I filled my small, running Camelbak with 1.5 liters of water, my cell phone and gym membership card (just in case). As I stepped foot outside, the heat hit me like an open oven after baking for 5 hours. It was just gross. I had resolved that I needed to be slower in these temps.

I started out at a 10:15 pace hoping I would hang in strong. And, I did. I passed the 2.5 mile turn to the gym and continued through Ahwatukee to Chandler Blvd where I headed over the I10. I was feeling just fine. The heat was evident, but at a 10 minute pace, I felt just fine. I continued to mile 5.5 and decided to take a one minute water-walk break. The water was refreshing (although it was body temperature at this point). I figured I would finish the remaining 3.5 miles with 10 minutes of running, one minute of water-walk breaks. But, I felt good through mile 7.3 before I took more water. This time I found myself very thirsty so I took several more ounces and needed to make sure to walk another minute so that I wouldn’t get a side cramp. Ordinarily I can take 2-3 ounces and be fine after a few seconds, but I needed 6 or more and therefore allowed myself a slightly longer. I was off again and feeling good for another ten minutes and was less than a mile from the house when I began to really feel crappy. I took a smidge of water as I approached the I10 overpass and pushed myself over the hill and down to my street. 9.25 miles in 1 hour 39 minutes – 6 minutes slower than I intend to be during the marathon.

Training is going to be hard, but I realized I can push through the long runs outside with enough water and mental conviction. Next week I drop back to an 8 mile run, and I intend to pull through the entire thing without a trip to the gym mid-way through.

I admit, I am proud of yesterday’s effort. The heat continues to worry me, but I realized there are a number of athletes on the road with me at 4 and 5am, so I am in good company. Bikers and runners alike – we nod, smile and occasionally cackle at our passions. Many would call us crazy, but I was up again this morning at 5am for a run with my friend, Kris. We both admitted that after a good dose of sweat-build-up, we felt cooler than when we’d started. Tomorrow, I rest.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Yesterday morning I didn’t set my alarm. I figured I would wake naturally and simply hit the gym, rather than run outside in the horrid heat. But, when I awakened, the temperature outside was a mere 82 at 5am, so I threw my running shoes on and went for a 6 mile run – outside. The benefits of being able to run outside are incredible. I get the hard hills and then the occasional relief of a 15 second stoplight break. About an hour later – the run was done and I was really pleased I awakened (naturally) with enough time to enjoy the non-90-degree morning I was expecting.

This morning, I set my alarm for 5am – I promised my friend, Kathleen, I would help get her started (running). This would be our second time out together in 8 days – not too bad! As I drove to her house at 545am, I couldn’t help but think of something my masseuse (Lisa) said the afternoon prior. “Meredith, you run to inspire others, I bet.” I was knee-deep in the enjoyment of the massage and didn’t really think about the intent of her message until 545am – en route to Kathleen’s. I know I run to clear my anxious mind. I know I run to be able to eat a lot of the foods I probably shouldn’t. I know I run because I am painfully, internally competitive. And, I guess I know I run to inspire those around me to do something challenging.

In fact, earlier this week, another co-worker (Jackie) came flying into my office to tell me that she’s started running – slowly and with lots of breaks, but she has a goal to complete a ½ marathon. She asked if I could help her.

I feel very fortunate. I have surrounded myself, for the first time in my life, with the kinds of people who not only appreciate me – but trust me enough to help them accomplish something incredible challenging. I cannot believe it has taken me over 38 years to find the right balance of good people and good choices in my life. I might stretch and say this could very well be the most peaceful I have ever felt – perhaps even the happiest.