Sunday, January 20, 2013

PR, PR, and PR, Baby!

Oh my gosh – oh my gosh!

Ok, so I really wanted to spend some time detailing how I’d pushed out some great runs earlier this week and a nice ride with Matt.  And, then I wanted to go into detail about my AMAZING Masters Swim class on Thursday night – but seriously, those all take a backseat to this morning, so all I can do is show you a couple of pics and move on.  (smile)

Our Thursday morning ride - finally not sub-freezing temps!

Not my fave pic, but whatever -- I ran FAST: 8:37 pace for 4.7 miles!
Yesterday morning I woke up ready to meet the girls for a morning at the Expo.  I had a few beers the evening before with my good friends Mike and Hannah – so my head was swimming a little from the 10% Buckin Monk Tripple I had consumed (unknowingly 10%, mind you – when it came in a snifter, I became a smidge nervous, I’ll confess).   Regardless, I pulled myself together and hopped the lightrail with Loretta for an easy ride into the city to the Phx Convention Center.

There Loretta and I happened upon Josh and asked him to join the rest of us for our trip through the expo.  He was game for all of 20 minutes before he realized he was shopping with several serious ladies – and it was a little much for him.  We wished him well on his run and settled into the expo.

Josh and Loretta -- obligatory blog-shot!

Anne is silly -- see!  (Amy, Mer, Loretta, Josh and Anne's arm)
All I can say is – Anne and Amy can try on headbands for 30 minutes.  Really, need I say more?  (eye roll)  I love them to bits, but shopping is simply not my thing – well, not like its “their” thing.  Anne brought her mom (also a seasoned shopper) and the-beautiful-Lyla to the Expo, so at least I had my fill of adorable children while I tapped my foot at every stop we made.  (wink)

We're holding shitty wine - VERY shitty wine that I tossed out after this was taken.

Lyla - sooooo dang cute!
After the expo I went home to sulk.  I don’t know that I have ever been that nervous before a run – at least not in recent history.  I chewed off every morsel of skin on my right (and left) thumb and consumed myself with worry about not hitting the Sub-2 hour ½ marathon.  I knew I was capable, but sometimes the brain and body breakdown and give you the old “eff YOU” somewhere around mile 9 or 10.

But, I awakened this morning after a solid night’s sleep determined not to worry about it.  I had somehow convinced myself that I was just as capable as anyone else who has worked as hard as I had.

Kris picked me up at 6am and we landed at the starting line with plenty of time to hit the porta-potties a couple of times before heading into our corrals.  Anne and Amy joined us a bit later and then we dispersed to our respective corrals.

Kris and Me -- ready to run!

Anne and Me -- as the sun was starting to rise.
I had switched my starting corral from 9 to 5 the day prior so I would be with runners gunning for a sub-2 time.  Corral 9 had 2:05’ers and I wasn’t having it.  And, as I stood shivering in the corral ( ½  nerves, ½ 48 degree temps), I buddied up to a few really nice guys – one from Cleveland and another from Seattle.  We all wanted that sub-2 hour time and it was fun to talk about it.  I wish I remembered their bib #’s but I don’t – so I’ll never know.  Shortly before our corral began to inch forwardaI sweet, young girl-student from UofA chimed in and also talked about wanting the sub-2.  It was refreshing to know I was among those just as concerned and nervous as I about not hitting our mark.

But, as usual, as the horn sounded for our corral to cross the starting line, my new friends were never seen again.

The first few miles felt pretty easy.  Although, I looked at my watch after passing the Mile 1 marker and realized I went out of the gate a bit faster than I should have if I wanted to try to keep a steady pace (8:36 mile), so I slowed it down a lot for miles 2 and 3.  Shortly after passing the Mile 3 marker, a beautiful woman – maybe a few years younger than me, tapped me on the shoulder to ask what my pace was.  I glanced at my watch and said, “9:01-9:02; a sub-2 hour pace”.  She smiled and thanked me and then made it her mission to stick around me for the entirety of the race.  I had my music on fairly loudly, but I think we both enjoyed knowing that the other was right there, if we needed a pick-me-up.

Mile 3-7 were just fine – I was pacing well (sub-9 min miles) and felt strong.  I almost forgot to take a gel around mile 7.5, but something clicked as I could see the Papago Hills in front of me.  I knew I would need a little jolt to help me continue my pace.

By mile 8 we had begun our ascent through Papago and no one was really happy.  The hills aren’t particularly hard – but they’re long and seem never-ending.  My times were just over a 9 minute mile for a couple miles, but it was ok.  I knew I had saved up some time from my prior 8 miles.

As I passed mile 10, I could see the descent in the distance and was really excited.  It felt like I was flying down miles 11 and most of 12, but that last mile through Tempe is always a killer.  Rio Salado has some elevation.  Its not enough to break you down completely, but it is enough to depress you and make you desirous of the finish.  About a ¼ mile from the end, I looked to my left and there, at my side, was the lovely woman from mile 3.  Evidently, I had paced her the entire run.  We grinned at each other and sprinted to the end.

As I glanced down at my watch to see the time, I could only smile.  I had done it – another PR – and this time it was a sub-2 hour ½ marathon!  1:58:03 – My Garmin says I went an extra tenth maneuvering in and out of people along the way, but I’ll take it.

I smiled my way through the finishers chute, grabbing a banana and water – looking for my colleague and friend, Christina.  (She had run the mini-marathon with another colleague, Mark.)

Two proud ladies: Me and Christina!
Shortly after I finished, Kris joined the 3 of us with her own Personal Best: 2:23.  And, then Anne crossed the finish line with another PR: 2:33.  It was a banner day for all of us and I cannot tell you how excited I was to be standing there in the reunion area with so many of my closest friends and co-workers.  Running is my thing, I know – and nothing makes me happier than to enjoy victory with all of them!

We all got 2nd medals for completing both Vegas and Phx: The Desert Double Down

Anne, Amy and Me

Ken, Me, Christina and Mark
Kudos to everyone who ran: Christina, Mark, Ken, Anne, Loretta, Dan, Amy, Kris and Josh!  We have much to be proud of, today – so go enjoy a beer and dessert!  You earned it!

Sean only wanted me at the end -- it was better than a medal!  And then he wanted to run... see below!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mer! Just catching up on your blog! I'm a bit behind but I'm happy to see you doing so well hitting your PRs! Bob has joined the gym (Planet Fitness) so he can do some indoor running in the bad weather plus some other training. Baby Callie is doing fantastic! Mark continues to campaign for the executive board of the Local Teamsters. I'm just trying to stay warm and entertain the babies!
