Sunday, March 24, 2013

Maybe I CAN do this...

This is another one of those Sunday’s where all I want is one of two things – and either would be fine: a nap or a beer.  This means that my motivation for writing my blog is waning, so I best get at it.

I took Monday as a rest day.  It wasn’t planned – Matt and I had planned to do some very easy spinning to keep our legs in check, but we both woke on Monday morning unwilling to move.  I know we earned it, so I won’t begin to feel an ounce of guilt.

Tuesday, Matt had a rough night’s sleep, so I agreed to head out for a 6 mile run alone.  The temperatures are getting warmer, so no more long-sleeves!  I welcome it, but I also know what’s coming and that doesn’t excite me.  I finished the 6 miles through the foothills strong – 8:53 avg pace. 

And, as scheduled, I hit Masters Swim that same evening.  I wasn’t feeling it when I got there, but once in the pool working on some tough speed drills, I pushed out 2100 meters of drill-work and felt pretty great.  I have been lucky, lately.  I have had a lane-mate for the last couple of weeks – Barbod.  He’s an Indian guy who has dreadful endurance skills, but is amazing at speed work.  He really puts me to shame.  I rather enjoy sharing a lane with him because we both tend to push each other – me, to get him to focus on the long drills, and he, to help me attempt to beat him on the shorter 50-75 meter drills.  This week, however, about half way through the workout, Barbod and I collided in the lane.  It’s only happened to me one other time (when sharing a lane with badass-Dan) – and again we collided while doing speedwork.  OUCH!  We both recovered and apologized profusely.  Neither of us has any idea what happened – but it only takes a moment of lacking focus for it to happen. 

Wednesday morning I met Matt for hill-repeats on the bike.  We used to make sure to do hill repeats at least once a week while I was training for the San Diego Tri Classic, but we’ve slacked off a lot in the last 6 months.  Needless to say, they suck – they always suck – but I happen to know that I shed a lot of my remaining weight by doing weekly repeats on the hills.  So, we are back at it and we anticipate being pretty badass by summer!

It's getting lighter, sooner!  
Thursday morning I was tired – not feeling like having Matt kick my ass on a run.  But, when he showed up at my house at 5am – I was willing to endure whatever would present itself.  Much to my fortune, Matt had some tummy issues about 2/3s of the way through the run, so we simply stopped our watches at mile 3 and walked the remainder home.  (I’m not complaining – you should know, Matt looks at his Garmin every ¼ mile to tell me whether or not I am disappointing him on our runs.  Bring on the digestive issues!)

I couldn’t muster up the energy to do Masters Swim on Thursday night.  Instead, I drank a couple of beers and took the night off. 

By Friday I was feeling fine.  Matt and I headed out Pecos Road on our bikes for a moderate 16-18 mile ride.  It was lovely. 

Saturday morning I rose at 5am and headed straight to the pool.  I knew missing Masters Swim on Thursday meant I needed to get a least one more decent swim in this week.  The day before Matt had suggested I actually complete the distance in the upcoming triathlon.  1.6 miles later, it was an amazing feeling knowing I could do it – that my stroke and my form were improving enough to give me about 12-15 minutes of flex time on the course.  I have to be able to complete the swim within 1 hour 15 minutes of the last wave start – so, at 1:03, I am feeling ok about the swim. 

Saturday evening I was fortunate enough to get to see (and spend time with) my cousins Andrew and Leah and their two beautiful kids – Jake (12) and Kellen (6).  Andrew bought me an extra ticket to the Dodgers v WhiteSox Spring Training game, so that was our evening.  I really love them – it was sad when I had to say goodnight because I knew I had a HUGE workout on Sunday morning.

Andrew and Me -- 5th Inning
And, after a dreadful night’s sleep – I woke at 4:15am to ready myself for a 62 mile ride and 5 mile run.

Matt, Aaron, Josh, Joe and I headed out of the Park-n-Ride a little before 5:30am with the best of intentions.  Sadly, not everyone had the appropriate attire or the appropriate head/tail lights for the darkness.  And, 4 miles into the ride, Joe, Josh and I turned around and realized Matt and Aaron were not with us – and nowhere to be seen.  I admit, I panicked a little – Matt’s one of my best friends and Aaron is the husband to another one of my favorite people in the universe.  I was rehearsing in my head how I was going to explain their deaths to their wives and families.  After a solid 10 minutes of waiting in the dark with no sign of them, Josh headed back to see if he might find them.  Joe and I sat there, in the dark and in the cold – worried.  It was probably 25 minutes later that Matt and Josh reappeared, but without Aaron.  Evidently, there was a flat and repairing it was impossible – so poor Aaron was faced with walking his bike back to the Park-n-Ride (4 miles) in his bike cleats. 

So, the 4 of us continued our journey – we got cold standing around, so we all complained for a smidge about needing to warm back up.  It didn’t take long, though, and off the four of us went. 

We stopped briefly at mile 18 for a bathroom break in Maricopa and headed back out to the end of the Maricopa Hwy (Rte 347).  As with the prior few times Matt and I attempted this 30-32 mile route to the end of the 347, we knew we would face an uphill climb for several miles before the turn around to head back to the Park-n-Ride.  It’s not steep; it’s just really long and super annoying.  We watch our AVS go from 19-20 to 16-17.  So awful. 

At the turn-around, we all sighed the remaining 31 miles in front of us and headed out.  Matt and I ate a couple of Peanut Butter Snickers – which I consider the greatest cycling gift EVER!  We flew for the first 10 miles or so – the slight uphill on the way out became a slight downhill on the way back.  We sang; we laughed and we were reminded that we are pretty awesome cyclists – all 4 of us. 

The last 20 miles, however, were hard – none of us really spoke to one another and we remained a solid distance apart.  We each looked back every so often to make sure the others were still plugging away, but it wasn’t fun and I think we all wanted it over.  Joe pulled a solid mile ahead of us and, while I am fairly certain Matt could have hung with him, he was concerned about Josh and me – and stayed a few tenths in front of us so he could keep a watch out. 

I got stuck at a light and Matt pulled ahead.  Josh caught up to me and admitted that he was in a world of hurt.  We both knew we could do it, though – and we did. 

62 miles later, my watch told me that I maintained an AVS of 18.0 – exactly what I am hoping for during the triathlon’s 70 mile ride. 

Matt headed home shortly after we finished and Joe, Aaron (who had been waiting for 2 hours for us) and I headed out in our running shoes for 5 miles.  Josh was in a bit too much agony to continue with the run – so I trailed the boys for all 5 miles. 

Forgot to get a final shot of all 5 of us -- my bad.
It was a gratifying, even though a slow-for-me- run.  I never doubted for one moment on the run that I would be able to finish.  All this training has given me that – and I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me.  5 miles in just over 45 minutes – with an AVP of 9:18 – AFTER 62 miles on the bike!  Yep – maybe I can do this Leadman thing in 3 weeks.  Maybe…

Mornings like today remind me just how grateful I am that I have such a community of endurance athletes for friends.  Joe, Aaron, Josh and Matt – my hats are off to all 4 of them.  This morning wasn’t easy, but it was FAR better having the companionship and encouragement of all of them – FAR BETTER!

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