Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tucson Training Begins (SD Tri Classic Training Continues...)

I only have a short period of time to blog, this morning, as I am headed to Sedona for the afternoon to get in a hike and some craft beer.  So, forgive the brevity.

This week, of course, marked the beginning of Tucson Marathon training for several of my friends, colleagues and me.  The great thing about training “together” is that we hold one another accountable for all of our runs.  We all have the same schedules and mostly the same workouts – so its enjoyable to be able to say “how was the trail, this morning?” or “it was hot on the run, no?”  I just hope we all show up at the starting line in another 17 weeks!

Speaking of training, I chatted with my best friend, Anne, yesterday, about the importance of sleep in endurance sports.  I find that I sleep a lot more when in training for a big race.  With the San Diego Tri Classic a mere 4 weeks away, and marathon training beginning in the midst of it – my body craves 7-8 hours of sleep every night, and a 1-2 hour nap in the middle of the day.  Sleep means muscle repair.  And, since all of my training buddies read my blog (or should), let this be your warning – make time for rest and solid sleep.  You will notice the difference in your runs if you do.

Anyway – onto a picture montage:

So, Monday I did a lovely 1500 meter swim.  The work I am doing each weekend in Masters Swim is paying off.  I hit my best time for 1500 meters by over 2 minutes on Monday.  I nearly squealed from excitement when I popped up in my lane and saw my time. 

Tuesday, I hit the streets for a 4.5 mile run.  It was hot and humid – and I was really done after 3 miles.  I managed to push the whole thing out, but it wasn’t pretty.

Wednesday, the weather was similar to the day before, but I still managed to pull out an excellent ride through the foothills.  This is the 18-19 mile route that has a couple of killer hills.  My best time is 1:01:13 with an AVS of 18.3 – Wednesday I hit 1:01:14 – with an AVS of 18.2.  I think I’ll be able to beat my best time, soon. 

Oh, Marathon Training buddy, DSMitch, invited me to the ballgame that night, too!
Thursday, I hit the Desert Classic Trail for 5 miles.  It was cooler than it had been in months, for some reason, and the sun was stunning as it rose over South Mountain.  I saw no one on the trail for over 4 miles of my run – so it was just me and nature for some time.  I was in heaven.

The beginning (or end in this case) of the Desert Classic.
Friday morning I met Matt for a ride out Pecos and back.  I can only say that the two of us bicker like siblings when one of us attempts to pull ahead or play challenging games on the bike.  I accused Matt of trying to psychologically break me – as I thought he was going too slow on one of the bigger hills, so I backed off a bit, only to have him sail in front of me, as soon as I let off.  Its like he knew that was the only way he’d kick my ass.  And, he did.  But, he got an earful after he hit the top.  Jackass.

See how he mocks my blog shots!  Jackass.

And...take 2.
After finishing the ride, I threw my running shoes on for a 2.5 mile run through the neighborhood and back to my car.  I pulled a 9:03 pace for the run – as the temps were again in our favor that morning.  It was a really great way to start the day.

Sweaty, accomplished mess!
Yesterday I endured Masters Swim, again.  Coach Diane asked what I wanted to work on when I chose my lane.  “Speed work!” I announced.  “Ok,” she said, “start with 200 meters of warm up.  Then, I want 25 meters super fast, 25 meters slow – and just keep doing it; no stopping until I say.”  1000 meters later, I was pooped.  Once she stopped me, she told me that I had to work on my breast stroke for the next 20 minutes.  It’s still a disaster for me.  I worked and worked and worked.  Diane corrected me and corrected me and corrected me.  Finally, with 10 minutes left of class, she said, “Meredith – I want two kicks and one breath, 2 kicks and 1 breath.”  And, then it clicked.  I got it.  I understood the stroke – suddenly it all made perfect sense.  I was thrilled.  Once it looked good, Diane said, “Ok, 200 meters of whatever you want to cool down.” And, I was off to do my comfortable freestyle until the end. 

And then this morning I did my first “long” run of marathon training.  8 miles.  Dennis and I planned the route on Friday night after work.  It was super hilly and ended at his house.  The nice part – at 6:45am, I walked through the fence to his backyard, and there was Dennis with his feet in his pool waiting for me to complete my run.  So, we hopped in the pool, swam around for a bit and then went to breakfast – ‘cause I was not going to be pleasant for much longer had we not. 

Dennis in his pool -- moments before I hopped in!
And now… I am off to head north.  More next week!

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