Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ode to Dennis...

My roommate, Dennis, closed on his new house on Friday – something I have been anticipating since earlier this year.  I always knew the day would come when we’d have to face reality and stop leaning on one another for, well…everything.  Living with your best friend has its incredible benefits and its obvious draw-backs, but its been a pretty decent ride.  And, naturally, for the last few days I have been thinking about the little things I have learned from Dennis over the course of our 3 years as roommates. 

So, I dedicate this week’s blog to Dennis (and the things I thought about on my 10+ mile run, this dreadfully hot Sunday morning).  Thank you, D, for helping me realize the following:
1.       Not everything (in fact basically nothing) needs to be cooked on “high” J.  I might even stretch to say that food tastes fantastic when not scorched.
2.       It might be ok to leave a coffee cup in the sink after its use – it doesn’t mean anyone is trying to purposefully annoy me (even though the dishwasher is a mere 5 inches from the sink).
3.       Pita, the cat, will never love me – she will merely tolerate my presence because you are my friend.
4.       Even though you are looking at me, smiling intently, as I tell you my plan for the day – it does not mean, in any way shape or form, that you are listening.  So, I should not be offended when you text me at 5pm to ask what time I am planning to be home and whether you should plan to wait for dinner.
5.       My dog, Brunhilda, is as smart as she looks.  Sadly, that says nothing good about her.
6.       Cars get dirty – I should wash them. 
7.       Beer brewed in Pennsylvania since 1829 tastes better than any beer brewed anywhere else in the country.
8.       Its true – I tend to embellish really good stories about my life.  No one else ever called me out on it, but you.
9.       I should never attempt to purchase a large item, like a car, a TV or a laptop, without your guidance.
10.   The little window that appears occasionally at the bottom of my laptop screen that says “Updates Available Now” is not making a suggestion.

There will be more, but these are the ten or so that I came up with as I pushed out my 10+ miles in 90+ degrees, today.  I passed only one runner in my hour and 45 mins on the streets and dozens of cyclists – nary a one acknowledged my existence.   Maybe I have set my expectations too high.  
Next week 18 miles in the Los Angeles area!  Cooler temps are certain!


  1. I love this, and I'm insanely jealous of your long run in LA next weekend. I've largely resigned myself to treadmill running until the temps get back into a reasonable range for nighttime running. I managed to get 10 done on the treadmill yesterday before bailing. So impressed that you still get out there and run in this heat.

  2. Well, I am impressed that you braved any treadmill for 10 miles. I think the farthest I have ever stomached on a treadmill is 8. Nice work on your 10! Will certainly take a post-run pic, next Saturday! Wait for it!
