Sunday, December 11, 2011


I spent most of yesterday completely stressed about my 20 mile run.  I consumed copious amounts of water ALL day, ate smartly and went to bed at 830pm.  This all means that I was so anxious I awakened 30 minutes before my alarm went off – oh, well. 

At 6am I texted Anne and let her know I’d be on time to our meeting spot between miles 7-8.  Even with 2 babies – she’s still my rock!  As I stepped foot outside, I realized that short-sleeves would be a mistake, so I grabbed a long sleeved running shirt (which I had just acquired the day before – so I was excited to try it out).  I thought I could wear it to our first meeting spot and then probably ditch it (with Anne), but it never happened. 

When I saw Anne in front of Whole Foods, it was still really cold – and moving from the city into the suburbs just meant it was getting colder and colder as I moved away from Phoenix.  Poor Anne – she was a mess.  She showed up in her PJ’s all panicky!  Evidently, baby Lyla kept the whole house up for the entire night – her husband finally took the baby at 3am and gave her an opportunity to sleep.  This meant that she overslept her alarm and worried she would not make our meeting spot/time.  But, she was there – as she always is.  I hope she knows how much I appreciate her (love you so much, Anne)!

As I left her I said, “Ok, see you in an hour and ten minutes.”  I was having a particularly good run.  I continued on and only struggled a little between miles 11-12.  This just meant I knew I should take some additional supplements by mile 12 or 13 and not wait until my meeting spot with Anne (at 14).  And, as I approached the park at mile 14, I realized I was early – OOPS!  No Anne in sight – but I had already taken my Gu and water and was really not in the mood to wait – I just wanted to finish.  My goal was to hit 20 miles in 3:30 – something I knew I could do if I remained focused.  I quickly grabbed my cell from my Camelbak and let Anne know I beat her to the park and that she should stay home and sleep.

6 miles left and I was still feeling pretty good.  As I continued on my route, Anne came around the corner about 5 minutes later in her car and asked if I needed anything.  I waved her off with a smile and pushed on.  I was really great until about mile 17.5.  I took another Gu and thought, “I am ravenous!”  There are so many points I can cut my mileage short on these runs, but I knew that I had already had one tough week (last week), and couldn’t really afford another.  So, although I walked 30 seconds here and there between miles 17-19, my watch still told me I was going to make my goal.

Little Lyla - 2 weeks, 2 days old!
I stayed focused in my last mile as I approached Anne’s street – 20 miles in 3:29!  I did it!  Vindication for last week’s crappy run!  YES!  Next week is only 14 and should be a piece of cake…

And, look at who I got to hang with right after finishing my run (picture on right)!!!  

(Also giving a HUGE shout out to my good friend, Brent, who ran the Tucson Marathon, today -- making it his second marathon!  Go Brent!!)

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