Sunday, March 11, 2012

40 mile ride and lived to tell...

Another successful week of Triathlon training, so I bit the bullet and actually paid for my registrations.  The commitments are: Sunday, April 15th (Sprint Triathlon) and Saturday, May 5th (Olympic Triathlon).  We all know that payment equals commitment – because up until that point you’re really only considering it.  Right?!  (This is a hint to the others in my group who have yet to fund their races!)

Last night I went to bed at 8:30pm after suffering from TWO ocular migraines on Saturday.  I have never had two in one day (or one week, for that matter), so I decided that I needed 8 hours of solid sleep before meeting three of my favorite people for a 40 mile bike ride on Sunday morning (today).  As anticipated, I rolled over at 4am bright eyed and bushy tailed and committed to simply lying there doing nothing until my alarm went off at 4:45am.
At 6:15am, Jacqui showed up at my house, and by 6:40am we had arrived at our meet-up spot to ride with Jim and Matt.  Now, if you’ve been following along – Jim is the 60 year old guy I ride with who appears to have some sort of hidden mechanized engine attached to his bike, and Matt – well, Matt is the guy who pushes us to do things we never thought possible (after 2 months of riding).  Before we took off, Matt asked if we all had enough water and supplements and gave Jacqui and me a brief lesson in “drafting” another cyclist.  Matt told me in an email, recently, that he really wants me to learn the art of drafting because it will make long, hard rides MUCH easier at times.  Everyone knows that I am “safety girl” so even the notion of being a mere tires length distance between my bike and the rear tire of the guy in front of me, while traveling at 20+ miles per hour, makes me want to vomit.

But off we went.  I rode alongside Matt for several of the first 5 or so miles getting some much needed emotional baggage off my chest.  Shortly thereafter, I could see the long rolling hills of the road in front of us and tried desperately to keep Matt’s pace while chatting away.  It seemed futile, and I knew that if I kept it up, I would never make it the full 40 or so miles he had planned for us.  Just as I was considering my fate, Jim rolled up beside Matt and told me to start drafting. 

The next 10 miles were like nothing!  Jacqui and I kept right up with Jim and Matt – enjoying the fact that they were “pulling” us along.  I cannot tell you how much of a difference it made.  As we hit mile 15, we stopped so Matt could answer nature’s call.  It was there that Matt explained that for about the first year of serious cycling he drafted on his rides – never attempting to lead the bunch.  (wiping my brow)  However, he now feels like a strong enough rider that he can take the lead.  I am sincerely hopeful that I can do the same, one day.

In the midst of the 40 miles, Matt took us up a fairly tough route through the foothills, but by mile 22 he assured us that we had seen the worst of it.  And, as we rounded the 33rd mile, Jim pulled us into a park-n-ride and told Jacqui and me that we rode today like we were riding for years.  All Jacqui and I could do was smile – we needed that!

Jim broke off about a mile later and headed home, while Matt, Jacqui and I continued to our destination(s).  Those last several miles were somewhat insignificant – even though we rode hard and steady all the way back to the house.  Matt, Jacqui and I took turns riding side by side talking about work, our families and the accomplishment of the day. 

Nearly 40 miles later, the emotional haze I had found myself in the day before had cleared and I felt/feel better equipped to handle the little bumps in the road that will inevitably be part of my future. 

Jacqui and Me - accomplished and ready for breakfast!
I discovered that I really love riding – more so than I ever thought, and for exactly the same reason that I love running.  It’s hard and sometimes painful, but the enjoyment of the accomplishment when finished is all I need to remind myself that I can do all the things I set out to do in life. 

Thanks, Jacqui, Matt and Jim for another memorable weekend!

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