Sunday, July 8, 2012

PR's and the other thing...

I admit, sometimes I am at a complete loss for words.  As the heat infiltrates the Phoenix metro area, my times suffer, my body suffers, my motivation suffers and ultimately my pride suffers.  This is a lousy combination, but I know we just have to get through it – that in another couple of months the mornings will begin to cool off and everything will improve – my times, my motivation and my pride.

There were a couple of highlights, this week, however.  Wednesday, July 4th, Matt organized a 36 mile ride out to Maricopa and back.  So, Jim and I agreed to meet at his place a little before 5am, so we could beat the heat (which is impossible these days).  Boy did we get lucky; while the rest of the country was suffering in triple digit temperatures, we Phoenicians awakened to 77 degrees with 80% humidity.  It was absolutely straight out of the Twilight Zone – none of us could believe it.  The humidity was something we had a hard time dealing with, but ultimately, with 77 degree temps – who cared!

I am always a little nervous riding with Matt and Jim because they are much better riders than I.  I always fear I will hold them back and keep them from really getting after it.  So, as we headed out on the long stretch of road to Maricopa, I was drafting off Jim with Matt behind me.  We were easily hitting speeds of 20-22 miles per hour and I was strangely feeling fine.  And then it happened, Jim motioned for me to take the lead and he would move to the rear.  Fearful I would ruin the awesome pace, I worked hard.  I watched my bike computer every inch of the nearly 2.5 miles I led – 20-21 miles per hour, and I held firm.  Matt took over after me and I dropped to the back, looking forward to drafting.  What I realized is that I have to be super cautious when letting off – I nearly lost Matt and Jim as I peeled back a little more than I intended and had to stand up and crunch my way back to Jim’s wheel.  I managed to get myself back, and Matt kept us chugging away – killing my pace with 22’s.  I was never so happy to be far behind him.

I got another shot at the lead several miles later and still maintained 20’s, but was only able to hang in the lead for just under 2 miles before I let Matt take over.  And, again, I nearly lost them as I peeled to the back.  I honestly think it was Matt trying to better the two of us, but whatever (wink).  This time, however, I really struggled to get to Jim’s wheel.  I yelled at him to hold up a smidge, but Jim had wax the size of golfballs in his ears  that morning, so, nearly in tears, I yelled so that Matt would hear me.  And, he did – and I caught up.

Shortly after that, we took a break at the ½ way spot and made sure to take supplements.  I was pretty wasted from my effort, but feeling incredibly pleased with what had just transpired.  I snapped at Matt and Jim a little for letting me struggle in the last couple of miles, but was in good spirits by the time we began our trek back to Ahwatukee.

However, it was melt-down-city about ½ way back to town with Jim in the lead and Matt behind me.  At one point I was no longer able to hang on Jim’s wheel as he pushed for 19 mph.  Matt inquired as to how I was doing and I just shook my head.  I tried, once again, to yell at Jim to ask him to lay off a little, but again he was in the zone, unable to hear anything but the roar of the traffic to our left.  Recognizing my discomfort and misery, Matt pushed ahead of me and got Jim’s attention asking him to lay off so I could get my mojo back.  But, I really never did.  I was lucky to pull 17’s as they dragged my ass back to Ahwatukee.

On a good note – I glanced at my bike computer a lot on the ride – and for about 25 miles, it told me that I’d maintained an 18.5 avs for all 25 miles.  By the time we’d finished the 38, it read “18.0” – it was a personal record for me.  I’d pulled 17.1 with Jim a few weeks prior on Pecos Rd for my 27 mile ride, so this was pretty huge.  18 mph – YES!

And, this morning, we had a 10 mile run planned.  Brent and I try to get together for our 10 at least once a month – so, we agreed to another one, today.  Before Matt left for his vacation, I told him “Sunday, 10 miles, be there.”  And at 5:15am, Matt was at my doorstep ready to run.  Sadly, Brent failed to show due to alarm issues, so Matt and I headed out around 5:30am in 89 degree heat and 40% humidity – which is a TON for us Phoenicians.  Matt and I both had our issues while on this run – he in mile 4, and I in mile 8.  Because of the temps, we also needed the occasional water break, so our times were dreadful overall – but we punched out 10 solid miles without bailing.  I don’t think either of us could have completed all 10 without the other – as it was a battle of wills, this morning – and fortunately, we each had energy when the other did not.  It could also be a desire not to let one another down.

After the run, we bumped fists and attempted to take a blog shot without the reverse camera feature.  We’re not nearly as good looking when we have no idea if its even going to work.  I think it took me 12 tries to get this lousy one.  Oh well, you all know what we look like by now – so enjoy this one.
Mer plus Matt minus Brent

Oh, and I had a great breakfast with Miss Lyla, yesterday – so I had to include this picture that Anne took of us!  She is such a sweetie!

Miss Lyla --- love that girl!

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