Monday, January 2, 2012

12 miles -- marathon approaching!

The number of days ‘til the marathon are winding down and so are the number of miles I have to put on my tired, sore feet and knees.  My weekly mileage doesn’t change – I pretty much commit to some combination of 15-20 miles before I attempt my long run over the weekend. 

For those of you who have never completed a 4-5 hour endurance run (or any continual athletic endeavor) – for many, there is a HUGE let-down/depression that occurs as soon as you accomplish your goal.  I fall into that category, which I am sure is why I registered for a ½ marathon the weekend after my full St. Louis marathon and then signed up for the Phoenix Rock ‘n Roll Marathon the week after the half.  I literally fear the sadness and depression.

Fortunately, this year I have become very good friends with a new group of people at work.  A couple of these friends are endurance cyclists.  Because of our commitments around campus, we’re actually together quite a bit and we are constantly talking about our training.  I know it must bore others to tears, but I could talk about endurance training all day (sadly).  So, since I am a runner and they are cyclists (with some experience running), we have all committed to completing a series of triathlons in the spring. 

All of this means that as soon as I complete my 6th marathon here in Phoenix, I will jump right into training for my very first (Sprint) triathlon on April 15th.  And, one of my good friends (mentioned in the above paragraph) went bike shopping with me, this week!  I am all set.  This also means there will be no time for the natural depression from completing the marathon – I will have yet another goal.  I think I am more excited about these upcoming Tri’s than I am about the upcoming marathon. 

This morning I conquered my 12 miles with flying colors.  I am unsure why I committed to another VERY hilly route, but I have come to realize that the harder it is, the more accomplished I feel.  So, I am sure I will do the same for next weekend’s 10 miler.  My hope is to have my good friend, Brent, join me.  We’ll see how his Achilles tendon is healing before committing to it.  But, I have my fingers crossed.  It’s, of course, the last moderately long run prior to the marathon, so there’s a bitter sweetness to these last few runs.  My head is full of anxiety and doubt. But regardless how long it takes me to finish, I have the will power to trudge through.  I am excited about finishing my 6th and beginning a new type of training in the weeks and months that follow.  (And, of course, I have already been told that I will fall on the bike – this displeases me.  Having been an injured runner, in the past, there is absolutely nothing I fear more than falling.)  
Wish me luck!

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