Sunday, May 13, 2012

Post-Tri Doldrums!

There are no great stories of triathlons or experiences with friends on long rides – this blog reverts back to the days before I realized what an incredible community of endurance athletes I consider myself a part of.  (Yeah, crappy grammar – get over it.)

As with all major accomplishments, I found myself in a bit of a stupor, this week.  I had finished my second of two triathlons and marathon training won’t begin until July – so I found myself wondering what exactly I should be doing to keep myself in shape for my future ventures. 

As Monday rolled around, I got right back in the pool – pushing out 2000 meters and realizing I was capable of so much more.  By Tuesday morning, I had my running shoes on and was out the door for a 6+ mile run pulling sub-9’s for the last two miles.  And, just like all Wednesday mornings, I was in the company of a VERY competitive spin class with Steve.  The woman seated next to me was clearly nervous, even commenting about the way all of the class members “looked”.  As the class ended, she looked at me in utter despair – “you do this every week?! …on purpose?!”  I smiled and told her I knew I would see her again – because once you’ve endured Steve, no one compares.

After a shorter swim on Thursday, I decided to take Friday morning off.  My Informed Improvement team was putting on a ridiculous game show at the college for our End of Year Brunch – and a few of us agreed to arrive at 7am to set up.  And, of course, taking the morning off was wise because our commencement ceremonies began at 8pm, that evening – so you do the math.  I think several of us were on campus for well over 16 hours.  I looked at my phone as I entered my house on Friday night – 11:50pm and WAY passed my bedtime.

Brian and Craig - just before the Game Show!

Craig post-game-show and pre-commencement -- I <3 him without the facial hair!

Like clockwork, though, I rolled over shortly after 5am on Saturday morning debating whether or not I could muster some solid hill work for 7-8 miles.  And, after a quick cup of coffee, I put my running shoes on and headed out the door.  This workout is one of my favorites – its literally 2 miles at a slight decline and then a 3.5 mile climb toward South Mountain.  The descent on this run is REALLY short, comparatively – a mere 7/10ths of a mile down.  BUT, it feels awesome when you hit the top and realize your accomplishment.  I had a lot to consider as I made my ascent: the end of the semester, my quickly approaching trip to Europe and training plans for my future tri’s and marathons.  This simply meant I was distracted and completely unaware that I was able to keep a solid 9:25 pace for the entire run.  It wasn’t until I hit the end that I even thought to glance at my watch.  I may have squealed a little as I approached the end.  I was so excited to tell my friends that I completely forgot to take a post-run picture.  Lame, I know.

Before I could commit to ride my bike this weekend, I knew I needed to change out the tube on my front tire.  And, if you’ve been following my blog long enough, you’ll know that this was something I was not excited about, nor confident that I could even handle on my own.  I watched Jacqui change hers the evening before the Tri, but again, I have been fortunate enough never to have a blow-out on a ride or have any issues with my bike.   After 5 months of solid riding, the front tire was simply not holding air as well as it could and I knew I shouldn’t head out on it Sunday morning without a new tube.

I took the front tire off the frame and brought it into the living room where my friend Kris watched (and listened – since you know I was incapable of remaining drama-swear-free).  I got the old tube out within a couple of minutes, but getting the new tube in place and the tire back on the rim was NOT happening with any ease.  I struggled to get those last few inches on the rim and it ROYALLY pissed me off!  I must have looked at the tire for ten minutes thinking it was never going to happen and that I was going to be that schlub who walks into the bike shop on Sunday morning with just the tire and rim, sobbing about my lack of hand strength.  BUT, as luck would have it (and enough frustrated adrenalin), I managed to get the tire back in the rim, the rim back on the frame of the bike and then filled the sucker with air.  

Visualize my hell -- it was JUST that 5 inches that gave me grief!
Needless to say, I slept poorly on Saturday night – awakening several times from dreams of blow-outs or flat tires on my solo ride.  SERIOUSLY!  

So, when the 5am hour came, I got out of bed, had my usual cup of joe, and crept into the garage to see if the front tire had held air overnight.  (Silly, I know.)  I touched the back tire first – ‘cause I wanted a comparison – and then the front.  Low and behold, it was as firm as could be!  YES!  I had really done it. 

The true test came as I got myself out on the ride.  And, after sending several “Happy Mother’s Day” texts, I was headed out for another tough hill workout.  I had done the majority of this route with friends in the past, but this was going to be the first time I attempted all 26 miles on my own.  I was feeling good and ready for more hills. 

I watched my bike computer the whole ride – every mile.  I was, for the first time in my life, maintaining speeds in the 18-19 range for well over 10 miles.  And, by the way, there is simply nothing cooler than seeing your bike computer clock over 30 mph on the backside of a HUGE hill – especially when the front was something like 12 mph.  I felt really good on all of the hills – the long and the short.  I was committed to working on my form, getting out of the saddle when times got tough and passing as many men on their rides as I could find.  (3, today – but NO one passed me!)  I have to note, that I say “men” only because I RARELY see women out riding.  And, given that today is Mother’s Day, I am sure that had something to do with the fact that there was not one on my entire ride. 

I remembered my post-ride pic, though!
My hilly ride, this morning -- I would have put timing data had I not forgotten to turn off my watch (for 2 hours).
I felt accomplished.  My AVS was still in the mid-17’s, but with all the hill work, I was really much prouder of this effort than even the effort in the triathlon the week prior.  In fact, the first time I did a similar route with my friends, I think our AVS was something like 15.4.  So, I can see marked improvement and I am thrilled!
Ok, so I am off to NYC, Spain, Italy and France on Tuesday.  Hopefully, I find time to blog while enjoying my vacation – but if not, enjoy the respite (wink).  


  1. I hope I was one of the three as I enjoy reading your blog every week. I just might not make a comment! The blog last week about the tri was breath-taking! I was reading it while I was out to dinner with friends before seeing the Avengers! I apologized to them but they were busy in their phones too! LOL Mark has not read it yet but he will soon!

    Enjoy your vacation! I hope you have a wonderful time!

  2. Maaw, Lynette - thanks!!! You are one of the few, I am sure! Hugs -- will have much to report about when I return.
