Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mood, Music and More...

I realize, this morning, that my blog is only really superficial – that the things I really want to say most of the time I have to hold back.   I have spent the better part of this past weekend thinking about my workouts and my friendships and listening to a lot of new and old music.  I think some weekends just need to be like that.

One of the gifts of working for the local community college district is that we have Fridays off for the summer months.  So, most of us spend the week figuring out how to get to 6pm on Thursdays.  (All my work friends are reading this, nodding away.)  This also means that workouts during the week for the summer have to be at the absolute crack of dawn – which means my alarm goes off at 4 or 4:30am every morning of the week to accommodate my workout schedule.  As many of you sit there aghast, I can only smile.

Matt and Me - post Tuesday 6 miler
After taking a day to recover from the ½-marathon-de-vomit, Matt IM’ed me and asked if I thought I might be up for (what has become) our usual Tuesday 6 mile run.  “Oh, I am running, tomorrow!” I told him.  And, although it wasn’t my greatest effort or time, we had a great chat about the San Diego half and our plans for future races – something I can discuss ad nauseum.

Wednesday, I awakened at 4am and headed to the gym to swim 1800 meters.  I think I was still in recovery mode, so while my times in the pool were nothing to get upset over, they were certainly not my best.  I have come to realize that most people cannot swim.  I know I was kind of one of those people back in January, but I see the same people getting into the pool at 5 or 6am nearly killing themselves in the water.  One guy wears flippers (on his feet) and is always so pleased that he can beat me down the lane.  And, he ALWAYS chooses a lane next to mine.  The difference between flipper-boy and me?  I can just continue swimming…no stopping…until I am done.  This week he saw me finish my swim and waited to chat with me at the end of the pool.  “So, is that a radio or something?” observing my H2O audio device attached to my goggles.  “iPod player” I told him.  His final comment, “well, seems like it helps you stay focused and fast.”  At first, I was kind of offended – why wouldn’t I just be focused and fast (unrelated to the music device)?  But, then I realized, he needed to say that – to make himself feel better about his swimming.  I can appreciate it on some level.

Before Matt arrived, pre-dawn
At 5am on Thursday, I met up with Matt for a 5 mile trail run.  The last trail run I attempted was after Matt, Jacqui, Aaron and I had attempted the 20 mile Usery Pass.  I died.  Needless to say, I felt like I was much better equipped to handle a tough trail run, this time around. 

Mid-point, sunrise behind us
As Matt and I headed out, the sun was just rising over South Mountain.  And, as I have mentioned several times in this blog, Matt pushes me to be a better runner each time we head out together.  Thursday was no different.  We hung together for about a mile and then I decided I needed to pay closer attention to my footing and, wanting Matt to get a decent workout (for himself), I waved him on and said, “I’ll be right behind you.”  At one point I glanced at my watch and it said 2.38 miles, so I knew I was almost to the ½ way point and would be seeing Matt again, soon.  Sure enough – at 2.5 miles, I could see him coming back towards me.  I made him stop, “Wait, I have to have a blog shot as the sun comes up over the mountain.”  Anyone who knows me, knows I am loathe to interrupt a workout, but I was never so inspired on a run in my life.  It was so hard climbing up and running down, but then to see the sun rise as I crested the tallest and longest of all of the hills – I simply had to have a picture.  Matt simply smiled; we were off again within a minute of taking the picture.  There may be nothing I love more (now) than trail running.  I cannot wait to do it, again!  (Thursday….PLEASE, Matt?!)

Finishing the 27 miles
Friday morning Jim had agreed to a 20 mile ride with me, followed by a short run – just to get our legs back into shape for our next Tri (July 15).  To our surprise, Matt decided to meet me at my house at 5am and we headed to Jim’s together.  Of course, this gave Matt a 7 mile warm up, which meant by the time we picked up Jim, he was ready to kill us.  Jim hung with Matt for a few miles, but after a while, Jim and I did our own thing and Matt peeled off to hit the hard hill of the Desert Foothills.  We never saw him again.  But, Jim and I had a wonderful time telling stories of our vacations – he in Africa and the UK and I in Europe.  By the time we got near his house again, Jim confessed that he wasn’t interested in doing a short run.  I was fine with it because my ankles were still recovering from the trails the day before.  When I reached my house, my watch read “27 miles” and my bike computer said I’d maintained an AVS of 16.7 – pretty average for me. 

Brent and Mer - sweat on the lens, oops
Saturday morning, my great running friend, Brent, was at my house at 5:30am ready to run.  We headed out and Brent was EXACTLY what I needed.  We laughed, we shared personal adventures and we smiled our way through a great 10 mile run.  It’s so nice that he and I can always pick right back up where we left off after the last run.  I feel so fortunate to have him (and his amazing listening skills) in my life.  I looked up at one point on the run and thought – well, jeez, I have run 33 miles this week and I’m not even in Marathon Training, yet! 

This morning was fairly uneventful.  I was supposed to do a long, tough 36 mile ride with Matt through the Usery Mountains, but got a sad-face-email from him on Saturday telling me he had an obligation on Sunday that would prevent him from doing so.  So, when I rolled over at 5:30am, I got out of bed, changed into my suit and hit the gym.  But, I was tired – and I’ll confess, a little down about the whole thing.  I find that (lately), I get so worked up over my training, that any amount of deviation puts me in a relatively foul mood.  But, I pushed through 1500 meters blaming Matt for my crap mood. 

Sadly, I came home and took my mood out on one of the most important people in my life – and for that I am remorseful.  I know he forgives me – and for that I am grateful.  Thanks, D. 

…now, back to my music.

Couple extras -- Marcy's going away Happy Hour Friday night.

Going to miss this gal -- she's simply the BEST!


  1. maybe flipper-boy just thinks you're cute and wanted an excuse to talk to you!

  2. In my swimsuit? Highly doubtful, but I'll consider it and be less judgmental the next time I see him struggling away.
