Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thursdays Make Me Happy!

As I have mentioned in a previous blog, Thursdays are simply the best for those of us who work in the local community college district; we work four 10’s in the summer and it represents the end of our work week.  I have really come to enjoy our three-day weekends, this summer, for the mere fact that I have three solid days that I can really kick my workouts into high gear without the fear of having to shower and rush off to work.

They're pretty BA!
But, as I explained to my workout buddy, Matt, this Thursday – Thursday has become, for me, much more than the end of the work week.  Rather, it’s the day he and I head out to one of the trailheads in the Ahwatukee Foothills.  This week, however, was unusually exciting for me – I had invested in new Trail Running Shoes – the Brooks Cascadia 7’s!  We discussed the fact that we really needed trail shoes because I want a lot more stability on the rocky, uneven terrain.  Put simply, I really do not want to sprain an ankle or a knee while enjoying the hard work out! 

We hit the trails at lightning speed, agreeing to really push it to 90% for the entirety of four miles.  I was DYING – DYING at mile 3 and just wanted to walk.  My footwork was just fine, my legs felt decent, but my heart felt like it was going to come out my nose, I was working so hard!  I made it – and while a 9:56 pace is lame for a road run – I’ll take it on the same trail that has seen 10:30’s and 11’s in the weeks prior.  While fully satisfied with our runs, we were wiped out and it felt great!

Two Proud Trail Runners!
My two favorite riding buddies!
Friday morning, Jim agreed to meet us for a ride.  I was really proud of my effort and my obvious progress on the bike, this week.  Jim even commented on how much I have improved as a rider as we finished our ride.  The hills and long straightaways have defeated me in the past, but this was the first time the guys trusted me to lead them out for a couple of miles.  I was super excited and super nervous.  What I realized was that I CAN actually hang with the big-boys!  I was on cloud nine as we continued on our 20+ miles ride! 

This also leads me to explain that I have become somewhat obsessed with cycling.  I have never enjoyed anything as much as running – EVER.  And, sadly, I spent the better part of this week thinking about the new bike I am itching to purchase: the Specialized Ruby Apex Compact.  I know I bought my Raleigh Capri 2.0 less than a year ago, but I am starting to think I have already outgrown it.  I do love my current bike – for many reasons.  It’s light and fits me really well (I am very short in the torso and long in the leg – for someone 5’2”, that is).  But, I have now read every review on the Ruby and watched every video related to its technology and I cannot stop thinking about how I am going to make it happen. 

Yeah, I think the colors are pretty awesome, too!!!  =)
I <3 Miss Loretta!
Anyway – enough about my obsession.  When I got home from my ride with Jim and Matt, I was relaxed – thinking about how I would be able to enjoy an evening with two of my closes friends, and then sleep in on Saturday.  However, as luck would have it – my great friend, Loretta, asked if I might do a 10 mile run with her on Saturday morning.  And, because I can never pass up a running opportunity with a friend – I treated Loretta to an awesome, yet painfully hilly, run the next morning.  (We only did 6 – her treadmill workouts didn’t quite prep her for the hills of Ahwatukee, but she really rocked her run!)  Loretta’s times have shown incredible improvement over the course of the last 6 months – and much like Matt really pushes me on my runs, I knew I would be good for Loretta.  I think she would say so, as well!

This morning I joined Matt for a tough, hill ride through the San Juan pass of South Mountain.  I was defeated by San Juan months ago on another long ride I did with Matt, but I was determined to make it the whole way out and back, this time.  Matt had mentioned that he might do the 7 mile route twice, so that he could get a 20-ish mile ride in – but I wasn’t convinced I could do it even once without dying, so I remained quiet about whether I would attempt a second round. 

As luck would have it, I was feeling pretty good, this morning.  I’d gotten 7 hours of sleep and didn’t feel worn out from my run the day prior.  Matt told me he’d stick with me for the ride.  I don’t always know how I feel about that, as my mind considers the fact that he won’t get as decent a workout if he’s constantly hanging back for me.  However, I was willing, this morning, to allow him to teach me about San Juan.  (And, I think Matt really understands my feelings about hanging with another rider – so he’ll keep a comfortable distance when he knows I am struggling a bit.  It’s important, to me, to be able to get out of the tough spots without anyone around me to humiliate me.)

After we finished the first 7 miles, I yelled at Matt, “Hey – I can totally do this again.”  Matt gave me a high fist pump and we went for round two.  Those last couple of miles weren’t pretty, but I left everything on San Juan, this morning, and I felt great about it.  As we finished out the last few miles to our cars, Matt (much like Jim) made a comment about how good I looked on the bike, about my confidence on the bike and his overall pride in watching me ride.  I appreciated the comments – more than he might ever know.  I am working so hard and I am hopeful my improvements (even if marginal each times) are noticeable. 

Half Way up San Juan the first time out!  Sunrise, baby!
..sigh, I always cut off part of his head.
The tri is a mere 3 weeks away and I definitely feel ready!  I am sure I’ll do another brick, next weekend, so get ready everyone!  And, hey – thanks for reading.  Oh, and feel free to contribute to the Mer-Ruby-Fund!


  1. I get tired just reading your blog...

  2. Be sure to bring your running shoes/clothes in November, Michael! (wink)

  3. well you know what, I'm tempted... its time I got in shape.
