Sunday, September 30, 2012 never enough!

Ok, so I may have overdone it, this week.  There, I’ve said it – may those words never reach my blog again!

On Monday, I pushed out 2000 meters and I struggled through the middle 500.  The woman in the lane next to me showed up in an IronMan swim cap, so I really pushed myself to keep up with her.  I worked so hard in the pool for those 2000 meters that by 3pm I was practically asleep at my desk (shhh, don’t tell the VP).  I tried everything – coffee, diet coke – and nothing worked!

Matt’s IT band is wrecked from overuse and his awesome 20 hour Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim two weekends ago, so I woke on Tuesday morning to a solo run.  I thought, given that I was alone and feeling good about my 12 miler the prior weekend, that I could easily push out a 7 mile run before work.  In fact, I felt so good on the run, I added an additional mile (8) to push out a 9:37 overall pace.  But, again, somewhere around 3pm, I was so sleepy, I wasn’t sure how I would finish the work day.  I managed, but it wasn’t pretty.

Fortunately, the IT band isn’t irritated on the bike, so Matt and I went out for an easy 15 miles on Wednesday morning.  It was great to have someone out there with me – I forget how much I enjoy company on my workouts until I am in it.  I love sharing that moment the sun rises – nature simply make me smile.

By Thursday, I had my running legs back, so even though I was going to hit the trail alone, I was really looking forward to it.  The morning was so much cooler than it had been for the previous 3 months, that my times were improving, as a result.  However, I find that I am overly cautious when I have to use a headlamp to guide my way around the trails.  And, strangely, this was really one of the first times in months that I passed VERY few people on the trail.  I ran into the same mountain bikers twice (I got a nice “first-pump” from one of the guys when he passed me the second time) and then I saw the Patchouli-Reeking trail runner that I pass almost every Thursday.  He had headed out much later, likely to avoid the necessity for the headlamp, because I passed by him in my very last mile.  Those 6 miles are my absolutely favorite every week – dark, light, hot or cool!
Done - headlamp and all.
Again on Friday, Matt and I headed out for our usual 20 mile ride.  We were both feeling really good and found ourselves in competition mode as we hit the toughest hills.  I still can’t quite beat Matt, but even he’ll tell you – I am nary a bike length behind him, now.  I can taste it – soon, Matt…soon!  (wink)  Of course, he’d probably have to be off the bike for a few weeks before that might happen --- so, Matt – enjoy your Disney cruise.  Feel free to forget there’s a gym on board!

After work on Friday, I met a few friends and co-workers for another round of Trapeze.  Anne and Loretta learned JUST how scary the initial jump can be – but they both came around by their second time up.  My massage therapist, Lisa, was amazing right out of the gate – she clearly fears nothing at all.  There were 10 of us in the group – and I think we all had another incredible evening of fun, fear and abdominal stress!  Thanks to Erica for putting this one together!  So much fun – I could do this every week, if I could afford to do so!
Lisa and Me -- just before taking the plunge!

The gang: L-R top: Dave, Craig, Loretta. L-R bottom: Erica, Brian, Becky, Heather, Mer and Anne!
Then, Saturday morning, I woke a 4:30am to hit the road at 5am for my 16 mile training run.  I am so focused on hitting my times, this year, that I finally told Anne I am not going to have her on the route to assist me – rather, I need to her to take me to breakfast right after.  The miles seemed to just fly by for 8 or 9 miles.  I didn’t even look at my watch until nearly mile 12 and by then I realized I was about a minute off my goal time.  This just meant that I needed to push the last 4 miles a little harder than I might otherwise have done.  Sure enough, it worked – 16 miles in 2:40:47 – I hit my goal time and am still really feeling great about my training, this year!

Tired, but happy!
I got lucky on Saturday night and was offered the chance to babysit my favorite two little ones! Anne and John had a great date night – and so did I.  They are simply delicious and always so well behaved for me!
Hot-dog lovin' Sean!

Yay, Lyla poses!
However, babysitting also meant that sleep was not going to be on my side.  And, once I got home at 1030pm, I set my alarm so that Matt and I could head out to the Usery Pass for a 5am ride.  As luck would have it, I slept terribly – getting somewhere between 2-3 hours before attempting a REALLY FREAKIN’ hard 36 mile ride through the Superstition Mountains and the Usery Pass.  I honestly had no idea what I had gotten myself into.  I told Matt I would likely take the ride easy, since my legs and brain were pretty tired after my week of tough, long workouts.

He seemed to have no issue with that decision, so as we hit the road on our bikes, I was excited to finally get a longer ride under my belt.  It had simply been too long since our last one.

The moment we hit the first set of rolling hills (in the pitch black), it was evident I was tired!  I had nothing in my quads for hitting the hills hard.  Poor Matt had to wait for me on several occasions.  I am glad he was able to work hard and not necessarily take things at my pace – rather he’d push it out and slow it up after hitting the tops of the hills.  Then we hit a spot where Matt looked at me and said, “ok, so things are going to get pretty tough here for a bit.”  WHAT an understatement!!  On several occasions, I was swearing Matt’s name – miles and miles and miles uphill.  MILES, I tell you.  There was even a point where I nearly burst into tears thinking I had nothing left in me and Matt might have to go back and get his car, recovering me, later.  However, if Matt has learned nothing, he knows that when I am struggling mentally, I prefer to be alone.  He trudged on ahead and waited for me at the top of what seemed like 10 miles up –up- up!  He never saw the defeat and pain on my face.  He never heard me swear his name.  And, he never saw me quit – ‘cause I never do.
At the very top - 1/2 way!
Now, the ride back down was AMAZING!  I don’t think I’d ever seen 37 mph on my clock before.  The downhill was long and gorgeous.  The sun was rising strong over the mountains and the wind gave us a chill that made us wish we had on warmer clothing.  It was simply indescribable.  Again, I was reminded that all of the pain of the ascent was worth it.  The jagged edges of the Superstition Mountains were coated red in the morning sun-rise.  The shadows cast on the back sections were just as incredible.  I swear, Matt finds routes for me to fall in love with Arizona over and over and over.

There was one final 3+ mile horrendous climb right around mile 29 of the 36 mile ride, but again, I simply stayed focused and worked through it.  I had done this part of ride many times before and early in my cycling.  It was a lot easier this morning than 9 months ago.  Don’t get me wrong; it’s hard as hell, but I find I am able to better manage my energy, now.

As I crested the top of the last hill, Matt had stopped briefly to wait for me.  His words were something like, “well, the hard stuff is over!”  And it was.  We really enjoyed the last several miles of the ride back to our cars and I think we were both really pleased with how we’d done.  Matt even commented on the fact that it was his best time on that route, ever.  Clearly, all of this hill work we’ve been doing together for all these months has done more than just improve my skills and time.  Matt’s has very enviable cycling legs.  (I should know – I spend a LOT of time looking at the backs of his calves, damn it!)

36 miles and 2:21 minutes – what a great way to start my Sunday!  If only there was time for a nap!
Not our best shot -- but representative of how tired and proud we were!

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