Sunday, October 7, 2012

Inspiration is everywhere...

After last week’s whirlwind of hard and over-done workouts, I decided to take things a smidge easier, this week – given I knew I had an 18 mile run at the end of the weekend.

So, rather than a HUGE swim on Monday morning, I opted to simply take it easy for 1500 meters and get out of the pool right after.  I didn’t do my usual P90X Ab Ripper following the pool – since my abs were already pretty wrecked from the Trapezing on Friday night.

And, like clockwork, I pushed out a really awesome 6 mile run on Tuesday morning – with a sub 9:30 pace.  I really wanted to go for 7-8 miles, but reminded myself at mile 2 that I can go faster-shorter so that I improve my times – and it appeared to work.

See -- still dark and moonlit even at the end of the run, these days.
Matt and I took it somewhat easy on Wednesday morning.  I say that, as I was humiliated on the hills, this week.  After blogging about only being one bike length behind him on most of the hills – Matt must have decided that Wednesday was his opportunity to kick things into high gear and smoke the crap out of me.  Had it not been for his flashing tail-light in the darkness, its entirely possible I might not have been able to see him a couple of times on the ride.  So, with that in mind, I hope he’s getting fat and lazy on his cruise to the Caribbean, this week (or wherever it is that his Disney boat takes him).

It was also still dark here, so Matt told me to turn the phone around to make sure we had the flash -- so this was taken old-school My-Space-style.
I had a better than usual trail run on Thursday – and since its my favorite workout every week, I was really pleased.  It seems to be getting much darker for much more of the morning, so my headlamp stayed on for nearly 4 of the 6 miles.  I know the route so well now, however, that I could probably get by without it were it not for all the rocks and steep elevation moments.  Regardless – I cut 90 seconds off my time from the week before, so I am hopeful my glutes are getting stronger and better capable of hitting the hard climbs.  I was telling my running buddy, Ron, this week, in fact – that I can’t wait to finish marathon training so that I can run all 9.25 miles of the Desert Classic Trail – rather than a mere 3 miles out and 3 miles back.

Friday I was planning to ride, but considering how much I had overdone it the week prior, I opted to hit the pool for 1700 meters, instead.  I am glad I did because my calves were feeling super heavy and thick.  In fact, I awakened twice in the night on Friday night of Charlie horses.  No fun at all!

So, after wisely taking Saturday as a rest day, I awakened to my alarm at 4:15am refreshed and somewhat excited for the 18 miles in front of me.  My goal – 3 hours.  Once again, I told Anne I didn’t need her assistance, save making sure I got a hot meal and coffee after the run.

As I headed out into Ahwatukee, I thought about the inspiring conversation I had with my good friend, Pat, before closing my eyes for the night.  I was lamenting about the fact that I am so focused on hitting my times.  He was encouraging and rational.  “Mer, you sound like me, tonight.  And, what would you say to me if I complained about my times?”  I told him, “I would tell you – you’re running 18 miles, so Shut It.”  His response?  “OK, so Shut It, Mer!”  And, there I was hitting the pavement thinking only about finishing rather than the 3 hour marker I’d hoped I’d hit.

The first hour went by without much notice and right around mile 7, the song “See the Sun” by Dido came on my iPod.  All I could think about was my good friend, Lisa.  She’s had a tough couple of days and I am including it in my blog, so she knows I love her and have had her in my thoughts non-stop since Friday.  This is for you, love.

Around mile 9, I checked my Garmin to see how I was doing on time.  The sun was beginning to rise and I knew I’d be pulling down my shades within a mile or so.  My watch read “1:28:40” – I was doing well, sub 10 min miles for nearly an hour and a half.  I continued to be pleased and remained focused on the second half of the run.

By mile 14 I could feel my legs and motivation waning.  I kept thinking, “Come on, Mer, only 4 miles left.”  I had recently taken some Gu and it was beginning to do its thing, but nothing helps you overcome that desire for it to simply be over.  As I turned the corner at mile 16, knowing I only had 2 miles left, I passed a guy on his roadbike.  As he approached, he smiled at me and gave me an extended-arm-thumbs-up.  Strangely, its like he knew I needed it.  I glanced at my watch and realized I’d need to really step up the pace if I was going to be close to the 3 hour mark – and I did.  I pushed and pushed and pushed and when I stopped my watch shortly before arriving at Anne’s house, it read 3:01:12 – for 18 miles.  I’ll take it!  As much as I’d like to complain about missing the mark by 13 lousy seconds, it took everything in me to push out a 9:30 in the last mile to make up a little time.  I can taste the 4:30 marathon – I just need to be able to maintain for 8 more miles (biting nails).

Anne's neighborhood is so pretty!  Post-18!
As usual, I was treated to dining with the beautiful-Miss-Lyla at breakfast.  She’s such a doll – too bad her parents dress her in Chicago Bears crap.  Although, this one’s pretty cute!!

Outside waiting for our table -- she is sooo dang cute!
Oh, and I also wanted to do a shout-out to my amazing friend, Sarah!  She’s getting healthy and enjoying her workouts.  Shortly after completing my run, she sent me a text about her difficult Total Body Conditioning class – she’s excited to be on the right side of the fitness-lifestyle.  I am just so proud of her!

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